Hi! Welcome to the Didi Shrine! This is a page for my cat, Didi.
I have a ton of pics to share and her life story thus far.
She came to us sometime when I was in 5th grade, if I remember correctly. I saw a grey cat in the yard. There were many cats who had come to our yard for a few days and hung out and got some food, but this one stayed. She came up and rubbed my ankles, and was really sweet. She must have been raised in someone's home..but was all alone and in pretty bad shape. I couldn't help but to fall in love with her. Our other cat, Patty, wasn't this affectionate. So Mom got out the camera, and snapped a couple of pics of her, seen below here.
We decided to keep her. That was a rare decision that my parents made, with our other 19 year old cat giving us enough trouble. Her age was getting the best of her. I had given the cat the nickname of "Doobie Doo". That soon got shortened to "D.D", which became Didi(pronounced DEE DEE). At the vet's, she is registered as De De. Grrr. I have enough trouble with people spelling my own name right too. They always spell it with a "y" instead of its proper "ie". But soon she grew into a healthy, clean, very beautiful cat. She is what we like to call a "Domestic Long Hair". We're not sure of her breed...maybe some Russian Blue mixed in with American Long Hair, perhaps. Here's a pic of her grooming herself on my bed. Look at that pink tongue...
And here's one of her just chilling on my bed. She's such a sweetie. But she looked irritated in that one.
Didi is playful, yet EXTREMELY lazy at the same time. She could be a cat track star, the way she runs all around the house. Yet, she is lazier than I am. Ah,the balance of a cat.
A very apprehensive critter.
The queen of my parents bed. A bit snooty, don't you think?
Oh, gotta love that look.
She's on Mom's back. How lovely. I'm surprised she actually looked at the camera, and I'm also surprised that Mom put up with me putting the cat on her back to take this picture.
Snooping thru a bag of stuff, and then tearing off the pieces of paper. A crazy habit.
What is on the mind of this cat? Tissue and wrapping paper...and the urge to attack me.
So, she makes a great companion. Playful, lazy, charming, and completely nutso, she's a fun feline to have around. Except when she gets a little too excited and bites. A "love bite" still hurts.
In a basket during Christmas, on the breakfast room table. She finds any spot to cuddle up and get cozy.
The same, but from the back.
Deciding to make a spot on my bed somewhere, with my Police poster on the wall.
Settled down, giving me a Dennis Miller look. *LOL*
And a pretty long one of her.....
Finally, I hope you've enjoyed this pictorial journey of this page. I hope the pics of Didi have made your day. Hehehe. Come back again soon. I'll have more later. (6/10/01)
A strange blue cat flying....on a carpet. A very weird pic.